Bunny.net CDN

How to Upload Videos to Bunny Stream CDN.

In this post, we will show you how to upload your videos to Bunny Stream and prepare them for your video channels. If you don’t have a bunny.net account, you will need to set up a Bunny.net CDN for OTTfeed first. 1. Visit https://dash.bunny.net/ and log in to your Bunny account. 2. Click on the […]

OTTfeed Quickstart Guide (OTTfeed + Bunny CDN)

Introduction: Welcome to the OTTfeed platform! This guide will show you how to manage your video content for your video channels (Roku, Amazon Fire TV, and Web App) and use Bunny.net Stream to transcode and host your video files. Let’s get started Note: if you use Vimeo for video storage, refer to our OTTfeed Quickstart […]

Import a Video Metadata From Bunny CDN Stream

This post is for users that have connected their bunny.net CDN account to our OTTfeed platform. To import your video metadata from your connected bunnyCDN Stream account to out OTTfeed platform, do the following: – Click on “Add new content” in the top right corner on the home page. – Select one of the types […]

Connect Bunny.net Stream to OTTfeed Platform

If you don’t have a bunny.net account, you will need to Set Up a Bunny.net CDN for OTTfeed first. Once your account is setup, log into your bunny.net account and do the following: 1. Go to “Stream” and click on your video library (e.g., OTTfeed). 2. Click on API in the left menu. 3. Copy […]

How to Add Videos From Bunny.net Stream to OTTfeed Platform

In this post, we will show you how to add videos from bunny.net stream section to our OTTfeed platform. You will need to copy 2 URLs (HLS playlist URL & Thumbnail URL) from bunny.net to our OTTfeed platform. There are 2 ways to do it, automatically by Connect Bunny.net Stream to OTTfeed Platform, or manually by […]

Set Up a Bunny.net CDN for OTTfeed

Quick step-by-step instructions on how to set up a bunny.net CDN that will work with OTTfeed platform. 1. Sign up for a bunny.net account by clicking on the link below: https://bunny.net?ref=66x37z22mi 2. Once you have an account with bunny.net, go to “Stream” and “Add Video Library”. 3. Enter a name (e.g., OTTfeed), select at least […]

To get started, check out OTTfeed Quickstart Guide